Big Title
West Kilbride Adult Education
At The Community Centre.
Telephone No. 01294 822144
Next Enrolment Day:
Monday, 6th January
9.30 - 11.30 & 19.00 - 20.00 at the Community Centre
Written applications MUST be received by Friday, 10th January
Arrangements for enrolment are:
Attendance at enrolment day
A friend may enrol on your behalf at the enrolment day with your payment and a completed registration form. (Completed either by yourself in advance or by your friend on the day). You can download the registration form here.
N.B. you can only enrol for 2 people, e.g. yourself and one other
Applications may be made in writing with your fee, however these applications will not be dealt with until after enrolment day. You will only be contacted if your application is unsuccessful.
Apply in writing, detailing:
Your name: Your address:Your phone number:
Your e-mail address, The class you wish to enrol in
OR: Complete a registration form (available in syllabus dispensers in Community Centre, Library & D&B Gallery)
Enclose a cheque for the class fee made payable to WKCA
Post to:
F.A.O. Adult Education,
West Kilbride Community Centre,
Corse Street,
West Kilbride,
KA23 9AX.
If you wish to receive confirmation of acceptance into your chosen class/classes, please also enclose an SAE.
All applications must be paid for in advance
Payment is by cash or cheque only. Cheques made payable to WKCA. Card payments can be accepted on enrolment day.
Once your application is accepted, refunds can only be given in exceptional circumstances
In cases of hardship, assistance with fees may be available, please ask a member of the committee for details
As all classes require to be self-financing, any class which has insufficient numbers enrolled may be cancelled: in those circumstances, a full refund will be given